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Green Projects

'Growing Healthy Communities' Program

Special Events, by Calendar

Growing Healthy Kids is committed to greening Mt. Diablo Unified School district campuses! Green spaces at school provide shade, clean air, and vibrant environments that inspire academic success and have a documented impact on student health and connection to nature.

With generous support from our partners including Cal Releaf and Cal Fire, Growing Healthy Kids staff and volunteers have planted over 97 Trees at Rio Vista Elementary and Riverview Middle School! These plantings include many native tree varieties, such as blue oaks, black oaks, coastal live oaks, California Redbuds, and cedars.

Growing Healthy Kids’ Pacifica Garden Farm project at Rio Vista Elementary takes school greening a step further by building a site that—once complete—will include 5 outdoor classrooms for students. The site is already home to a farm clearing that grows local organic produce and distributes that produce, free of charge, to community members at Community Farm Stands.

Volunteers plant California Redbud Tree at Pacifica Garden Farm

Our greening efforts also include a recent partnership with the City of Concord to plant a micro-forest at Ayers Elementary School! The micro-forest is a dense 60 by 60 foot planting that will sequester carbon, provide shade, cool the school campus, and provide an environment for native wildlife restoration and student study.

Ayers Micro-Forest Planting

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